Monday, August 29, 2011

when half is better

i have always abided by the belief that if something is good, more is better. frozen yogurt for example, or chubby cheeks on babies, or anything on food network, or cute puppies. but this weekend i found a definite exception to this rule.

case in point: the 1/2 marathon. compared to it's big brother, the full marathon, the 1/2 is a comfortable, attainable race that doesn't leave you apologizing to your joints.

this was a fun one too, because it is the "Giants Race" in San Francisco - runs along the embarcadero up to the golden gate bridge, and ends on the SF giants baseball stadium field.

pre-race line-up:
also, we got to see 2 of the Giants pitchers!!
Brett saw Matt Cain as he was starting the 5K:
and then around mile 6, I looked up and saw Brian Wilson, just standing alone on the side of the course! so i went and high-fived him. no big deal. and he winked at me... i'm pretty sure. or maybe i imagined that.
after the race i met up with brett

unfortunately, just like the full version, the 1/2 marathon does a number on my toes. boo. but i really enjoyed this run, and think i could keep doing 1/2s for quite a while. i think i am perfectly happy to now say that i will probably never run a full 26.2 again.


nathalia said...

Fulls or halfs, you are amazing!!! What a fun run! Good for you guys!

Kara said...

Woo Hoo!! Way to go Sariah. That sounds like a fun race. I can't believe you shredded your socks. Nice work. You high fived Brian Wilson? I am super jealous. We miss you guys terribly.

Esther and Brian VanGorder said...

You are just awesome Brwid. I am always impressed with your activity. I don't think I'll ever do any racing of any kind, so I guess I'll live vicariously through you instead!

Shannon said...

i should be impressed about the half marathon, but what i'm REALLY impressed about is that you recognized Giants players on your run. that is legit, sariah. and i cannot believe your toes! ouch. hope they are feeling better. you didn't even mention them, which means you are also tough. fit and tough and know baseball players. amazing.

Ally and Moema said...

You are amazing, I have always wanted to a half...hopefully someday. You are my inspiration.

Ali said...

Hey, Sariah! Congrats on your race. I was there too-I wish I could have seen you. I really liked the race-it was on a Saturday and had lots of swag. I high-fived the Beard too, I thought it was someone with a fake Beard on until the people around me freaked out. I'm glad to see you had such a good summer.