Thursday, June 18, 2009

Brett's Big 26th

Birthday Time!
for Brett's b-day, we went to monterey. it was a beautiful, warm! weekend there, and we had a hotel right on the warf. niiiiice...
that night, we had a bunch of our friends from byuh over (who are all in the accounting profession as well --- oh, gotta love san jo.) and they celebrated with us.
some of them are moving away now. bye april & jay-hawk! we will miss them...

brett gets excited every time we see seals. there are tons in monterey - and they're cute and little.

i think this was brett's favorite part - we saw sea otters! this one is feasting on a crab.

the awesome monterey bay aquarium.

brett agreed to trade birthdays with me this year, so he is turning 29, and i am going to turn 26 in nov. hey, a girl can dream, right?

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